Having Facebook followers quickly is part of what our clients ask us the most. Here are the five best techniques, and a pitfall to avoid, for getting more. In order to have followers quickly, you have to understand how the Facebook tools work. The main tactics to do include selecting people to invite, having a relevant page name and providing a good reason to follow your posts.

Facebook has changed the way it works and you have to adapt to be successful. There are certain pitfalls to avoid, and today you have to be cunning to get a lot of followers. Thanks to our experience we were able to identify five main techniques that we detail here.
Facebook followers are different from friends, because they are not connected directly to your profile, but to your professionals page instead. Subscribers here can be called fans or followers depending on preference.
Since we take care of Facebook pages of our clients, and ours as well, we noticed simple and easy techniques for having fans on Facebook. They work every time so don’t hesitate to use them.
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ToggleInvite some friends to like your Facebook page

You have heard it right : only some, not just any. This is what we are used to do as soon as a page is created. We suggest to invite friends to have a base of Facebook followers to the page. The catch here is to not invite all of your friends.
To do that, go to your page. Then you have to click on the “invite friends” button which is accessible after clicking on the three small dots. Now beware. Invite only those who will respond to what you post. They must therefore already be interested in the theme of your page.
If not, ask them personally not to just like your page, but to react as often as possible to what you post. The objective here is to have so-called “qualified” subscribers . We will detail it later in this post, as it is an important element for having a successful page.
Add a link from your website for collecting Facebook followers
People visiting your website can be mere passengers or potential customers. If they have any interest in your business, they will not hesitate to subscribe to your Facebook page. So make sure it is visible on your site with a link or a button,for example, that will display the Facebook logo. Normally, if they subscribe to your page through your website, they are interested in what you do, so they are very highly qualified subscribers.
Have a name that will attract Facebook followers

We have found that Facebook search is becoming more and more predominant on the social medium. Enjoy! The name of your page must therefore contain the main keyword of your activity. If you sell flowers, name the page « Sale of Flowers » and then the name of your brand.
This way, all searches for flowers will return your page. If your business isn’t a well-known brand like “Coca-Cola” or “The Walt Disney Company”, you can imagine that few people will search for your business name on the page.
Ours brings us Facebook followers every day thanks to this technique. As you can see, we are talking about marketing strategies. So we named our page SEO Specialist. If we had named our page by the name of the owner’s name, who would pick us up ? Your page name should be then optimized to attract Facebook followers.
To change the name of your Facebook page, you can go to the About tab then go to Page name and Edit it directly from there. Facebook will then decide whether or not to approve your request. This will therefore help you grow your qualified audience, which we will talk about later in this post; since the likes will come from Facebook followers who have searched for the basis of your activity.
Invite non-followers to like your posts
When you post photos, videos, links, etc, your Facebook followers will then like or react, but as you know, liking then makes your post more visible on the news feed of your subscriber’s friends and they can thus react with your post even if they have not subscribed themselves into your Facebook page.
When they do, you can spot those people who aren’t yet subscribers but have clearly expressed an interest in what you’re doing. Facebook then offers to invite these people to like your page. To encourage people to do that, click on one of your posts, then on the likes and reactions. Here you have access to the list of people who reacted.
You can then invite people when the button appears, and they will receive an invitation through their notifications in order to join your Facebook followers. This tactic exists since 2015 on the desktop version of Facebook. On Mobile it is now possible and it’s also a much more practical technique to get more subscribers quickly from your smartphone.
The trap to avoid is to have more subscribers on Facebook without being banned. There are hacks to automatically invite your non-followers but we advise against it. Indeed there are often lines of code to enter into the console of your browser and if at first sight it works, infiltrations on your page can take place and Facebook can block your account considering you as a bot or a robot.
In addition, you risk showing your posts to people who are really not interested in your page, or even who doesn’t speak your language, and Facebook can ban your account for life for this practice. Remember than on Facebook, and in all social media, the number does not matter alone, but the quality does also.
Include your page link in your email signature
This is necessarily for your base of Facebook followers, when you send emails to your customers or prospects. Remember to include the link of your Facebook pages, but also Twitter and other social media to inform that you have a large presence on the Internet. It may seem too simple, but it’s often a great way for your contacts to learn more about your business. Indeed making your page visible will encourage people to click into it.
You have just discovered five techniques to increase your number of fans on Facebook. We insist on the term of “qualified subscriber” which is very important. You have to understand several professional bases beforehand because, as we have explained in this post, Facebook also decides whether or not to include your posts in the newsfeed of your even existing Facebook followers.

3000 Facebook Followers
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